The Repugnant Truth About Being Late

24 October 2018





Imagine exerting all effort to wake yourself up early in the morning, amidst the invisible pull of the wickedly comfortable bed. And because of the pressure of catching up to work, you consciously make the tummy-aching decision to skip breakfast and sit through the evilly congested roads only to find out after a couple of hours or so that you didn’t make it in time.

And the worst part is? Your constant dramatic arrival is causing destructive delays in your work and negative impressions from your boss and officemates.

Sounds familiar?

As much as you try to shrug it off, the inconvenient truth is, being late for work is frustrating. It speaks a lot about how you choose to manage your time and it may sometimes define your work ethics.
















Hate to break it, but nothing’s fashionable with being late. The good news is, just like any other disease, tardiness can be cured. How?


We can do these three things:


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1. Put an extra effort.

Set your alarm an hour earlier than your usual and stick to it. Of course, the effort to sleep an hour earlier at night goes along with it. The secret to changing bad habits is, to really have the discipline to envision what you want and make an effort to achieve it. That’s really it. There’s no shortcut.

2. Reward Yourself.

Mind setting is one of the best ways to inspire yourself to achieve greater things in life. And when you train your mind to believe that you could log off at an exact time from work, or maybe buy that dress you’ve always wanted just because you consistently arrived early to work for a whole week, then maybe you could be more motivated. Let yourself cruise through your sacrifices. Give and take.

3. Make huge, permanent, and beneficial decisions.

Invest your hard-earned money into owning a home that is conveniently close to the workplace. Sometimes, it only takes one computation of your transportation expenses before you realize that you could spend that amount into reserving your own condo unit near the office. It’s a huge decision but it’s part of growing up. Investing in real estate benefits the buyer in all ways possible. You could live in it or rent it out as a source of income in the future. Either way, this huge decision, when handled well, will most likely produce the best results for your attendance and life in general.


















Put your efforts into the right place! Consider owning a home from real property developer Empire East. Its roster of residential developments is conveniently near Metro Manila’s CBDs like Makati, Ortigas, and BGC. The famous Transit-Oriented Developments (TODs), which are homes directly connected to main railway transits, are the perfect antidote for consistent tardiness. Live closer to work and cherish your precious time!


To know more about these projects, call 810-3333 or visit our website at

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